This version has the trivia mode, IR Ver 5.24Q rom, 32K Memory, with Com.
Model: PL-M2014R   Version: H001V1.00

Dimensions: 28" (wide) x 4.5" (tall) x 1.875" (deep)
13 characters (5x7)

The PL-M2014R is an Electronic Moving Message Sign by Pro-Lite. The sign comes with an RS232 computer port allowing your computer to control the sign in addition to the infrared remote control.

  • MultiColor LED Module
  • 16 Unique Colors
  • Infrared Remote Control
  • 26,000 Characters
  • 300-9600 baud / RS232 Port
  • Trivia
  • 9V AC Transformer
  • 95 Characters
  • 2 Animations Sets
  • 26 Redefinable Graphics
  • 26 Message Pages
  • 10 Timers

Pro-Lite sells a software package for Windows 95 and Windows 3.1 [it also works on NT 4.0, unadvertised] that includes a 25 foot cable for $49.95. My remarks about the package are available.

Common Questions

I bought a sign at a garage sale, can I get a manual/power-supply/remote/software from you?
No. I don't have or sell manuals, signs, or parts, this is a site about tinkering with the signs. Contact a distributor. All software I have is posted on the site.

Can I put the sign in my car?
Yes. If you have the right power converter. Note in some states this is illegal.

You seem to know about Pro-Lite, Alpha, and BetaBrite signs. Do you have any information on brand XYZ?
No. I have two different kinds of signs, and every bit of info I have is online.

I'm looking for an large/small/outdoot sign. Help. Contact a distributor. Your best bet is an Alpha sign; my favorite vendor is Tek Solutions.

I just hooked up my sign to my computer, and it doesn't work. Where can I get software that can make it work?
Buy the vendor software, read the communication section above, or try something our users uploaded. Most likely you have a connectivity problem. Validate your serial port works with a modem or another computer before you try it with a sign.

Which is better, Pro-Lite or BetaBrite?
My opinion has changed from Pro-Lites to BetaBrites ever since BetaBrite started publishing their protcol and the Pro-Lite company started cutting features from its ROMs. Unless you can get a Pro-Lite with the ROM listed above, go with a BetaBrite.

Will the protcol work the same for either sign?
No. Use the content on the pages here to drive the Pro-Lite signs. The BetaBrite signs have a much more feature rich and complicated protocol that you have to download.

If you are using operating systems, like Linux, you might consider the price tag a little steep for the cable, since you won't be able to use the prolite software .

However, it is possible to build your own cable for a few dollars. Then making Linux communicate with the light board is trivial.

Once you have it, your can start communicating with the message board from your computer. I've proposed an enhanced protocol that would be backwards compatible. Pro-Lite has not responded much about it. Perhaps they think there is little interest by programmers.

Want to know how to purchase your own led board cheaply and being aware of flaws with the new 6.x ROMs? It may be useful to know how to change the ROM.

I've started to collect home-brewed applications , particularly for Linux. For example, you can post a scrolling message to Walt using the web.

Additionally, I've started collecting graphics for the prolite sign, several are arcade themed.

If you have any ideas, please write me at <wls@wwco.com>. A Frequently Asked Questions document is available.

Want to make your LED Sign work with Bluetooth?

Check out chapter 9 of Make: Projects Small Form Factor PCs from O'Reilly by Duane Wessels and Matthew Weaver, ISBN-13: 978-0596520762.
This device can go by other names, such as Velleman.

Other pages about the Pro-Lite:

Other users and pages using the Pro-Lite:

This page last updated Sunday, 09-Oct-2016 15:11:24 PDT [LED Signs] [MindPrint]