Napkin Cartoons
![]() Napkin CartoonsAnyone who knows me understands that I quite often keep a fist full of colored ballpoint pens in my pocket at any given time. This is typically because my most creative thoughts come when I least expect them, and with a memory like a steel seive, I need to capture them as soon as possible.Unfortunately, though, I love the way that soft paper napkins seem to suck the ink out of these pens. It's possible to get a rich set of bold lines that wouldn't normally be possible. As a result, when I'm at a resturant, I quickly find myself doodling cartoons about whatever is going on at the time. Afterwards, I'd toss the things out or leave them for amusement value as part of a tip. However, my wife started secretly swiping them and has requested that I keep them. So, rather than keep a pile of drawn upon napkins in a drawer somewhere, I thought I'd scan them and share them with you.
The Collection Has to Start SomewhereSpock and Kirk 7/18/98.Red Hot and Blue 7/31/98. Your Letters and MessagesI was actually quite stunned after quitely posting this area to the site that a number of letters (including a scrolling message on my LED board) came in asking for more cartoons.Well, you've motivated me to start adding more. My wife suggested I post the ones I did in college. I explained that I hadn't kept any, and that was virtually 10 years ago. She then confessed to me, that in a streak of romance, she had swipped my abandoned cartoons from tables, trashcans, food trays, etc. and wisked them quietly away where she has preserved them in perfect conditions for almost a decade without my knowledge. So, here and now, for the first time ever for public consumption, are the first works of my cartooning along with explainations of the inside jokes behind them. The College ArchiveReligion 101 late 80's / early 90's.Flashdance late 80's / early 90's. Chemistry around 91. Fred the Plant: in happier times (91/92). Update as of Summer 2005Turns out while I was drawing some Napkin Comics at the Texas Roadhouse in Chantilly, VA, they took a strong interest in them. I'm now producing commerical grade cartoons — still on napkins — and you can see the collection over at