Napkin Cartoons: Religion 101

"Suddenly the Wicked Witch of the West was about to face
her demise during a flashdance performance as a stand in."


About the Cartoon

This was another cartoon that my then-future wife took without telling me during our college years.

Someone had spilled water at the table and got all bent out of shape over it.

To illustrate that things could have been worse, I tossed out this cartoon into our crowd. The idea being that this person wasn't made of sugar and they weren't going to melt.

Who would be the worst person to face getting hit with water? The Wicked Witch of the West. So I placed her in the Flashdance scene.

I now wish that the ending of the caption was more terse, something like "The Wicked Witch of the West moments before she realizes her bad career move." It leaves more to the reader to determine what's about to happen and run through her mind. Unfortunately, if you never saw the famous scene in Flashdance, you need a better illustration than my hand at that time to depict it.

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