Software for the Prolite

There is relatively little software out there for the Prolite PL-M2014R. This page attempts to remedy that!

Win 3.1 / Win 95 / Win NT Applications

Pro-Lite's Tru-Color II Software Package (my commentary)

Linux Applications

17 chars
(49,561 bytes Oct 15, 1998)
Fortran and C Robert Cessaro, <>
    By using the graphics mode to construct proportional fonts, it is possible to fit 17 characters on the sign when it normally only displays 13 characters in text mode.

beam message v1.0 beam_message.tgz
(2,003 bytes Apr 26, 1998)
HTML and Python Files Walt Stoneburner, <>

    These are the actual files for beaming a message to the Pro-Lite sign for the MindPrint site as of Apr 26, 1998. Drop these three small files in a directory off your main browser page (it's called /sendmsg in the files), make sure you have Python installed on your system and configured in your web browser, and edit the files to look however you want.

monitor systems monitor.tgz
(156,573 bytes Apr 19, 1998)
Shell scripts and software to monitor systems, check email, display weather, etc. Phil Wherry, <>

    A set of nine scripts/applications that are used to gather information such as whether or not a system is up, obtain the current weather, check for email, etc. and display the results across two Pro-Lite signs.

web-based sign controller prolite.tgz
(6586 bytes Apr 16, 1998)
CGI scripts, in Perl, that permit web-users to leave multiple messages on your sign Jason Kohles, <>

    Presents the web user with a list of pages, an area to enter a message, including colors, graphics, sizes, and special effects. Remote users can also see what was sent to the sign (and should still be playing). In addition, it displays the weather.

sign v1.2 sign-1.2.tgz
(2239 bytes Mar 01, 1998)
Script for cron Walt Stoneburner, <>

    Displays date, time, system up time, number of users signed on, who they are, and notification of new mail, including new message count for various users, on the Pro-Lite PL-2014R. System Watchdog: In the event the computer goes down or communication with the sign is broken, a notification message is displayed on the sign automatically. It is recommended that users have Gawk (from the GNU site) and Python installed; systems using this sign might also want to consider using nist or some other application to keep their system time accurate.

prolite v0.1c prolite-v0.1c.tgz
(5622 bytes Jan 11, 1998)
Source Included Walt Stoneburner, <>

    Filter for the Pro-Lite PL-2014R. Reads standard input and writes to standard output (which may be redirected to the device). Takes long messages and splits them across multiple pages, constructing a timer to display them in sequence. Uses the minimal number of pages necessary.

process_message v0.1 process_message.tgz
(1364 bytes Jan 14, 1998)
Scripts Walt Stoneburner, <>

    Small set of scripts and instructions that allow small and simple messages to be intercepted by a mail account and displayed on the ProLite sign. This can be a fairly impressive demo when the sign is changed by a message initiated by a two-way pagers such as SkyTel's.



Forthcoming Ideas

  • Syslog Monitor
  • Pager Display
  • System Performance Monitor
  • Web Usage Monitor
  • Network Outages
  • Weather
  • Caller ID
  • Debug Monitor
  • Access from PalmPilot
  • Disk Space Monitor
Want to code something yourself? Check out the Pro-Lite Protocols.

This page last updated