Thursday I managed to catch a nasty little bug. The biological kind. However, that didn’t stop me from going to SchmooCon with a fever. Quite interesting when you can barely think, much less stand.
Not going to do that ever again: attend a conference with a high fever. What, did you think I meant abandon a hacker conference? I’m looking forward to 2007’s.
My wife hit me up with two technical surprises this weekend as well.
Number one: she was so mad with Microsoft after her last machine crash that she refuses to use MS Office anymore, choosing instead OpenOffice. Funny thing is, when I installed OpenOffice and ran it, she thought I had put the MS Office on the machine. The differences are so unobtrusive, she’s using it with no training on my part. W00t! (To be fair, it wasn’t Office that died, it was XP, and there seems to be a lot of that these days — a coworker had his machine melt down in near similar fashion. Still, she didn’t want to give any more money to the evil monopoly.)
Number two: she logically painted me into a corner to buy a new UPS. This didn’t go flawlessly, and I ranted in my LiveJournal.
Finally, I made my first printed photograph book using Aperature. I figure it will be 4-5 days before I see it.
UPDATE: Congrats to our receptionist, who, in looking buy a new computer for her son, but not wanting to spend a lot of money decided to go with an Apple MacMini instead of Windows! She was happy to report this morning that she was thrilled she didn’t have to go out and buy a firewall and anti-virus software for it, not to mention the thing came with working applications.