About two weeks ago, I ran a contest in Live Journal for a $20 cash prize: write me a poem about Duct Tape. I’d been avoiding the submission area, wondering just what kind of after math folks would make for $20 cold cash.
The winner is: “Ode to Duct Tape“, for numerous creative uses of Duct Tape.
The specific phrase ‘from keeping bloody guts inside’ was what inched the poem “Franklin County Duct Tape Blues” out of first slot (as I *loved* the narrative nature).
So, ‘Rob’, you’ve won — you’ll be getting a crisp $20 bill from me in the mail.
Now it’s my turn to ask, which ‘Rob’ is this? I know several.
For those of you who want a $250 money grab for a little Internet research, see my entry on The PITS.