Body Painting

My wife happened to send me to a link on body painting while I was at work…

An unusal event happened, I was at work when my wife called. She had found an interesting site: The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Collection. But what had struck her, and why she called, was the body painting. They had painted swimsuits on the models and did a photo shoot.

Turns out Google has a lot of similar pictures of body paintings.

The first one I ever saw was an HP Printer add with a young lady in a swim suit, and you were supposed to tell which was the photograph and which was printed. Turns out, if you looked closer, you realized something was up. We contact HP and had their advertisement department send us some posters. They’re around here somewhere.

I’d wondered how they did these, figuring it had to be an airbrush system much like my wife uses for canvases. The problem is, how do you get a template to work on a 3D figure, such as a human body. Turns out, according to these visual instructions, it’s not that hard at all.

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