iPhone will you have SSH?

Will the iPhone have SSH? Certainly it’s got everything that’s needed to do it — internet connection, virtual keyboard, a wide enough display. Question is, will Apple recognize that their geek audience is looking for network connectivity, not just access to their music collection?

I’m waiting for the article confirming that the “iPhone has SSH”, because that’s what’s going to push me over the edge. Yes, the iPhone is cool, and if it has a larger display, better interface, and all my iTunes stuff, I’m thrilled. But until I can sit on the beach and fire off remote jobs on my server via a command line, I won’t be as happy as I am now with my current phone.

Currently I’m using a T-Mobile SideKick, and I do few things with it: eMail and ssh to my servers. Web browsing, instant messaging, text messaging, photos, games, then phone come next — and in that order.

Oh, I don’t need super speed either.

In fact, if the iPhone had SSH and didn’t do voice telecommunications, I’d still be thrilled. Then again, we knew I was a geek.

UPDATE 27-JUN-2007: Here’s a list of things confirmed features the iPhone does not have. Songs as rings tones would be nice (or will it!), although I’d want to use my own .mp3 creations. No games; that’s a must as my iPhone may very well become a substitute for my iPod. No instant messaging is a show stopper to me. Not listed, but would be a killer app, would by Skype on the iPhone. GPS would be sweet, especially as it could tie into web apps; imagine pressing the “I’m lost” button. I need a removable battery, for places that insist the phone be physically off. And I don’t want a “real” keyboard, I think Apple got this one right. All the other stuff, I could give or take.

The good news is, according to another source, is that there will be 3rd party Cocoa apps on the iPhone. I think Steve Jobs did a disservice trying to pass off AJAX as the development API, and if the answer was simply that they needed to get some kinks out, work on some more security, and placate the phone providers, that would have been the better, more honest, and up front answer that would have gotten some serious respect.

0 thoughts on “iPhone will you have SSH?”

  1. I’m right there with ya, keeping my fingers crossed as the launch date approaches… without terminal client I will not be purchasing one.

  2. Ok, now that’s just simply brilliant:

    “A web app that runs ssh on the iPhone is out. Very easy to install, runs on Mac/Linux/Windows”

    Thanks for pointing that out, Marc!

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