I’ve just discovered that I can crash the Finder, not that this inhibits anything in that it instantly restarts…
- Pick any FOLDER that’s on your desktop. Press Command-I to get info.
- In the bottom right is a pad lock, click it, and enter your password so you can change permissions on the folder.
- To the far left of the padlock is a plug sign. Press it.
For me, I instantly get an error on the console that the Finder exited abnormally with a bus error; this is usually a pointer trying to access memory that it’s forbidden to. The CrashReporter logs the event, and Finder restarts, closing the Info window that was just open.
While I can reproduce it effortlessly, can any one out there?
After three different friends independently confirmed this, my friend Phil opened bug report number 5626208 with Apple on this issue.
I’m having this exact same problem, however I have narrowed it down to just one account on my computer. I can change the sharing permissions with my other accounts but not my main account. I’ve trashed just about every preference file in that account but it still crashes the Finder. I’m stumped.
yep, same problem here. just a single account on my system though.
all my quark and photoshop files are preset to locked. i change around three of the permissions so that “everyone” has read/write access. seems to work, but finder then quits, and restarts automatically. with all the files reverted back to locked.
it’s a real pain they are locked in the first place, and a nightmare in that clients have to then save the file down under a different name to even look at the damn thing!.
hopefully apple will get this sorted in 10.5.2. not very happy. 🙁
just found another way. previewing incomplete download video files in quicklook. Finder crashes every time.
Similar bug for me with 10.5.2. However it doesn’t crash with the plus button but when selecting a user name, privileges, or clicking the gear button.
I had some missing group problems because of the update from Tiger to Leopard, but I fixed it so that the group is now staff.
How’s that bug report # 5626208 going ?