Wii: 141 in hoops, with a blindfold

Having gotten a decent score using a mirror, Rob practiced and then tried the Party Game hoops using a blindfold. …and got on the high score list with 141.

Having achieved 74 hoops using a mirror, Rob figured out how get the controller just right that he was confident he could pull a decent score blindfolded. We were shocked when he actually started making baskets, stunned when he passed his prior mirror score, floored when he crossed 100 points, and were astounded when he kept going.

Yes, the video is real. Yes, it’s really him. Yes, he’s holding the real controller doing the shooting. Zero trickery involved.

[QUICKTIME http://www.wwco.com/~wls/livejournal/WiiRobHoopsBlindfolded.m4v 360 500]

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