Jerry Carr is a cartoonist, known for monkeys, babes, and the graphic novel Cryptozoo Crew, which looks like it may be made into a movie, amongst other things.
While visiting Jerry’s Facebook page, I saw his status message was set to this:
Jerry is freshly motivated after a day at the Jim Henson Muppets display at the Smithsonian!
Unfortunately, I couldn’t help myself. I had to comment on his wall:
The display you really want to see is “Muppet Bodies,” where they take a bunch of preserved, dead muppets and puppeteers and cut them in half, showing you the insides.
You can see how the tendons connect to the distal phalanges in order to produce more articulated facial expressions.
Note, though, there’s a special baby muppets section, which shows the progression of muppet fetuses, starting from a simple spool of thread and piece of fabric. A word of caution, it’s pretty emotional, because at the end are a small number of muppets with birth defects; it’s very sad.
Forgive me Jerry.
I…cannot…breathe. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!