A while back I started having problems with Safari 4 being able to download files. Normally when one clicks on a .dmg or .zip file, Safari downloads it.
Recently, it stopped working, either doing absolutely nothing or trying to load the file into the browser itself for display. It was as if the MIME type wasn’t properly being handled.
Here’s how I fixed it.
It appears that Speed Download‘s broswer plugin is to blame. While it works amazingly well with Safari 3, it doesn’t seem to work quite right with Safari 4.0.3.
- Quit completely out of Safari.
- Go to /Library/Internet Plug-Ins directory and locate the file SpeedDownload Browser Plugin.plugin and move it out of that folder.
- Restart Safari.
the tip for “safari downloading problem dmg files” was helpfull! Thanks!!!!!
Thank you! Speed download was the problem.
After trying to find a solution for this problem for well over six months, I finally came across your site. I did exactly as you explained and my problem has finally been solved. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!!!!!
Can’t wait to email my son who considers himself a “computer geek”. He could not give me the solution. But, you did.
THis worked for me. I was running Safari 5.1 along with Speed Download and for some reason Safari would’t download DMG files. Removed the file recommended and Safari works like a charm now. Thank you Walt.
The problem described and solution is still valid, after installing speed download got the issue, the problem is not only happening with dmg files but with many other types.