iPhone terms of service – deal breaker

Apple’s iPhone Terms of Service do say some pretty nasty things, enough so that I’ve canceled my plans about getting one in October. However, OpenMoko, the open source phone, has just caught my eye with their sleek development kit. Ooohs and ahhs abound.

Having just read an analysis of the iPhone terms of service, what’s hidden in the fine print is a deal breaker for me.

Until some of this settles down, I’ll not be getting the iPhone as planned.


Realistically though, this may have pushed me more seriously at OpenMoko, the open source phone.

I’m especially developing the development kit.

So at this point it’s a race. Either Apple drops the price, adds some features, and addresses some pretty stressful points in the terms of service, or enough applications and positive reports come from OpenMoko.

UPDATE: These points have all been rebutted.

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