I’ll let you guess what I was doing when I made a typo.
Wrong Registration Number
What happens if you incorrectly enter a registration number?
Pure Walt, from Concentrated Thought
Photos of humorous things
What happens if you incorrectly enter a registration number?
I’ll let you guess what I was doing when I made a typo.
Here’s an Apple Genius recommendation you wouldn’t have expected. (IMG)
I love Apple’s AppStore Genius for application recommendations.
Though, sometimes I wonder what freaky stuff it knows that I don’t.
And they say you can’t herd cats.
This morning I got up to go to the bathroom, but it was occupied by my wife. Making matters worse, I had to stand in line.
My wife was driving down a highway in Pennsylvania and looking out the window I saw a scene before me that made me say out loud, “Oh, that’s just not right.” I instructed my wife to make the next available U-Turn and pull onto the shoulder. I needed a photo.
There before us was a sign that said ‘Help Wanted’ ‘Lead Carpenter’. And, behind it, a set of three crosses, one that belonged to a carpenter. Either way you look at it, that something happened to their last one, or that the need make more crosses, that’s most likely not the best location for this particular help wanted sign.
Pages just asked OS X for 16 Exabytes. Got a clue just how large that is?
So I decided to make some business cards using Pages, however after adding a few tiny JPGs, I started getting the spinning beach ball — you know the one, the one you’re never supposed to get in OS X.
So, I decided to open Activity Monitor to see what was up.
Pages had allocated 16 Exabytes of memory. My computer has 6 Gig.
Remember, it goes from Megabytes, to Gigabytes (1,000Meg), to Terabytes (1,000Gig), to Petabytes (1,000 TB), to Exabytes (1,000 PB).
WTF did Netflix recommend this?
Apparently because I like John Clease’s comedic timing, cursing magicians, and canceled 80s comedies, that means I like Carl Sagan’s COSMOS.
Here’s the sad part: they’re right.
Went to submit a bug report for OS X, but was denied for a very interesting reason…
Went to submit a bug report today, but was denied for a very interesting reason; the system had no one to hand it to.
You know how TGI Friday’s has all that junk nailed up to the wall?
Well, while we were eating, we happened to notice some kid had long dropped his sun glasses on the floor. Rather than have them thrown out by staff, I social engineered our waiter to put them on Nixon.
Let’s see how long before someone notices.
When I see a nozzles up high, I want to turn them to see what they’ll do…
Ok, if you had stuff you needed to haul, would you put it in a bucket hanging from the back of your truck?
So, I’m driving down Waxpool in Ashburn, VA on my way to work, and there’s a truck in front of me with a huge spool of wire on the back.
What’s more curious to me is the way the tools were being transported. Someone had tied a bucket to a rope and put their tools in it hanging off the back of the truck.
This can’t be safe. Well, I guess if there’s no room on the passenger side…