Bonnie had her Chalet Christening, which was extremely near the old Freedonia stomping grounds we used to tred.
For the first time in a while we were able to get quite a number of people in one place, sitting, and talking. So, I introduced a new game to the group.
I won’t go into all the details and variations, but the general gist is that we played the role of villagers who were being tormented by werewovles, and in an effort to stop the killings, we’d go on a lynching.
We played several games, each consiting of several rounds, and the result was tons of innocent deaths combined with just the right amount of mayhem.
I’m not sure exactly how it happened, but we ended up doing group improv by the time all was said and done. Highlights included Alan making some rather obscure hand gestures which were taken out of context, while shortly later Bonnie and James were trapped in a women’s prison and despite her best efforts, professing to the rest of the inmates James’s talent.