Protecting Windows XP

While I no longer support Microsoft Windows, here is list of Walt’s recommended software to help keep your machine safe.

Just having this alone software won’t protect you, it must be used properly, and frequently, with liberal doses of common sense.

Spyware Blaster
This protects a running system from getting infected, grab updated and enable them frequently.

Spybot Search and Destroy
This finds all kinds of evil stuff in your system and removes it. Update frequently, imunize, and scan.

Ad-Aware SE
This looks for a lot of stuff as well, but different kind of things – works great with Spybot.

Anti-Virus Guard Free Edition
A very good virus protector — I use it over Norton and McAfee.

Registry Mechanic
Scrubs the registry for when things don’t uninstall correctly.

Peer Guardian 2
An active firewall for catching -outgoing- traffic!

A richly featured, free replacement for the horrible and vunerable Internet Explorer. Be sure to snag the Update Notifier, AdBlock and Adblock Filterset.G Updater extensions.

Other tips —

  1. Turn your Windows firewall on.

    [ Start / Settings / Control Pannel / Windows Fire Wall / On ]

  2. Update your computer often, using custom (not express), so you get all the updates.

    [ Start / Windows Updates ]

  3. Make regular system restore points

    [Start / Help and Support / “Undo changes to your computer with System Restore” / Create a Restore Point ]

  4. Defragment your drives often.

    [Open My Computer, Right Click C:, Properties, Tools, Defragement Now… / Defragment ]

And, in all seriousness, consider moving away from Windows — look at OS X, Ubuntu, or Fedora Core. If you can get past “Oh no, it’s not Windows! I’m scared! It’s unfamiliar! I quit!” and just try it, you’ll see it’s not as complicated as you fear, and installation and use is actually easier than Windows.

    I’ve literally seen a 4 year old use OS X without instruction and use various apps.

    I’ve observed a 13 year old girl who wasn’t computer savvy install Linux and immediately start web browsing, drawing in Gimp, writing in OpenOffice, talk via Instant Messaging, and playing videos …all without being taught or trained.

CMD.EXE Command History Pop-Up

Hey, did you know F7 brings up a command history in CMD.EXE? It’s done that for years, and this was the first I’d ever run into it.

In Unix’s bash shell, for instance, there are some nice features for command line completion. If you type the word history you’ll get a list of the last commands you executed, preceeded by numbers. If you type ! immediately followed by that number, it will re-run that command. If you type ! prefixing the start of some command, it will hunt back through the history and run the first command started with said prefix.

Today while working the XP DOS Box, I bumped a function key and got a pop-up box of my command history. In all my years working with NT, 2000, and XP, I’d never seen that before. So, wanting to recreate it, I researched what it was and how to do it.

The program to thank is DOSKEY. Pressing F7 while at a command problem brings up the command history menu that surprised me. If you already know a command’s number, because you saw it in the list, F9 will let you just enter the number directly. If you type a letter and press F8, it will cycle through all commands starting with that letter.

Pressing ALT-F7 will clear the command history, which on Unix is the same as typing history -c.

Unix has a lot more options when it comes to the history and fc (fix command) than Windows, but it was nice to see a small subset implemented.

Just another small trick to add to the productivity bag.

Recovering Data from Windows Crash

XP couldn’t help us get data back from a crashed Windows box, but a OS X and BYTECC BT-200 did the trick — and the experience taught us that Xandros may be the right path to keep your old machines but not have to put up with Microsoft.

I was recently approached for assistance with getting an older machine that refused to boot Windows back online. I’ve made the point pretty strongly that I don’t do Windows anymore, in particular because system recovery from catastrophic events is tedious, time consuming, often incomplete, and provides no guarantee that it won’t happen again. And now, thanks to WGA, catastrophic events are even more frequent than when we just had viruses to contend with.

Most of my clients seem to believe there’s some magic wand or setting it takes to bring things back, and few are willing, or able, to provide compensation for the hours of work it takes, much less have the technical ability to keep things in a working state after I’ve left them — even with training. They lack disclipline nor see the need, figuring if it goes south, I’m on call. Well. I’m not.

The real hitch is when you’re dealing with kind old ladies or close relatives. While you want to help them, often you can’t. Support and licensing models have changed. Gone are the days of simply fixing a machine even if they have the disc on the table. MS doesn’t support the older operating systems like they do XP, clients often can’t afford what you recommend to them as the bare minimum needed, and even if they could, their computer can’t run the new stuff… and an expensive new computer is out of the question. Microsoft’s executive staff may be made of money, but students, elderly, young parents, and average American families are not. A machine is big investment, so is the OS, and they expect it to last for over a decade.

In this one case, however, we had the system restoration disks from the OEM vendor, but the problem there was that a restoration would wipe out the data on the drive. Not good.

Apple, bless their heart, allows you to archive your whole system, and install on the same drive as your data without losing it. No such luck here. This was Windows. Licensing, not technology, was getting in the way.

The solution, it turned out, was to simply move the data to another Windows XP box. The way we’d do that, since he couldn’t boot, would be to pop the IDE drive out and use a BYTECC BT-200 USB 2.0 TO IDE converter. Oh, you want one. I own two. This thing makes an internal IDE drive mountable as easily as a USB thumb drive.

And so we did. However, when we plugged his drive into a working XP box, we did not get the result I’d seen every time before. What we got was disk spinning, blinking lights, and a Windows box stating the drive could not be mounted.

We even tried another USB port. Same thing. XP could not read this drive, and the most likely suspicion was a hard drive failure.

But, on the off chance, I suggested we try something. We simply moved the USB connector from the XP box to the Mac OS X box. Within a second the drive mounted perfectly. What was this? XP couldn’t read a Microsoft formatted drive, but OS X could? Yes, OS X saved the day. Again.

We proceeded to copy everything off the drive onto the Mac without incident. Just for fun we put it back on XP. Same deal, XP couldn’t mount it. And, this was a fully patched high end XP system.

Meanwhile, back on the Mac we reorganized the files, ran a few shell scripts to automated the sorting and pruning process, and when done burned three cross-platform DVDs.

Please don’t quote me for saying this, but it was the first time ever that data recovery was actually… dare I say, …fun. I don’t mean like, “oh it worked and we didn’t lose a thing”, as I’ve done that zillions of times before, but no, I mean like enjoyable play kinda fun.

The next thought was to put the drive back in the old box and reformat it with the OEM disk, and bring the data back. However, I was stopped in my tracks. It seemed a trip to the Apple store was suddenly in our future. For, if data recovery was the easy and enjoyable, imagine what working in an environment like that would be.

As for the old box? I suspect very soon wit will be running a copy of Xandros, a Linux distribution that is designed for Windows users to run Windows programs.

Force a Windows XP Shutdown

XP has a shutdown command… that’s useful.

I just got a new monitor from Dell, and after switching between a 21″ and a 19″ using the DVI connector, XP got all confused and couldn’t restore my video signal no matter which monitor I used. Even the analog monitor cable proved no use.

I was stuck with a number of running processes, and no way to shutdown the machine cleanly. Meanwhile, my computer chugged away, furious with disk activity from the applications that I had been running at the time. Killing the power was simply not an option.

The solution, was based on this clever article.

I press Windows-R, which I knew would bring up the run prompt. I typed cmd and pressed return, which I knew would put me at a shell. Then I typed shutdown -s -t 01, pressed enter, and waited.

The shutdown command appears to be a standard Microsoft steal of Unix’s shutdown command. The functionality is the same, but the parameters are slightly different as not to be compliant. (It’s like when they took Unix’s ifconfig and made it ipconfig, as if no one would notice.)

Anyhow, after a minute I heard the familiar sound of Windows shutting down, then the machine turned off. Upon a reboot, things worked fine – the hardware detection saw the new monitors, and Windows came up.

OS X: Batch Rename from GUI

This is the third time I’ve had to go hunting how to enable batch filename manipulations for OS X. Now I’m documenting it so I don’t have to hunt this down again.

I keep forgetting about this trick, so I thought I’d post it in the event I have to ever do it again.

Part of the problem with a graphical GUI is that it’s very difficult to rename files in batches, for instance, prepending some text to a group of files.  This kind of thing is fairly trivial at the command line.

Apple has a facility to do this, but as it’s not something a regular user does often, it’s not enabled by default.  Here’s how to get all kinds of additional functionality out of OS X.

1) Open /Applications/AppleScript

2) Turn on Show Script Menu in menu bar

3) Optional: turn on GUI scripting, show library scripts, and choose where to show them.

You’ll notice up near the time in the menu bar a black scroll has appeared.

All the batch renaming and filename twiddling stuff is under the Finder Scripts.

UPDATE 19-Dec-2009: Upgrading to Snow Leopards deletes some useful scripts, specifically the Finder Scripts.

UPDATE 31-Aug-2010: The scripts live in “/Library/Scripts/Finger Scripts” and are

  • Add to File Names.scpt
    md5 4b0cd899acb19b5fc62ef2049d81a933 – 18114 bytes
  • Change Case of Item Names.scpt
    md5 af7429228be4d0e1a096092af5341c52 – 17808 bytes
  • Replace Text in Item Names.scpt
    md5 716493cab1c569953a7f40d76ed9a1f7 – 24328 bytes