My niece (7) and nephew (5) came to visit me at work, and as a treat we went to Burger King — not because of the food, but because they had an indoor playground.
As they were exploring, my niece realized there was a sign that said “you must be under this height to play”. Being seven, “rules are rules” and so she stopped playing as she obviously didn’t meet the height requirement. She towered over the sign.
My nephew asked her if he could still play. And what happened next was priceless.
She grabbed him by the back of the skull and face planted him into the sign, where he came up about 3 inches too tall. Somehow, having your face smooshed into a plastic sign was perfectly acceptable.
As the kids exited, we realized something was wrong. As I stood up, the sign clearly indicated that I was about 7 feet tall.
It seems that Burger King arbitrarily mounted the “you must be this tall” sign on the side of the playground without any respect at all to the content of the sign. It was a four foot ruler, but with the bottom half of it chopped off. Clearly, the elevation of the sign was to play some role. Unfortunately, the sign was mounted well below my waist – making me, and the kids, an artificial giant.
Whoever took the time to carefully mount the sign clearly spent no time reading it.