Amazing Pick Up

I recently visited a family that we’re particularly fond of. I’ve known many of their children since they were but mere infants. It had been a while, perhaps too long, and the infants were now in early grade school.

One little girl, about six, ran up to me, having remembered me lifting her up and flying her around at a much younger age.

“Pick me up!” she exlaimed, hoping to relive old memories. But, I couldn’t help myself. I love ambiguity.

And, in my best lounge lizard voice complied to her request with an awful proposition, “Hey, wanna go back to my place?”

“Yeah!!!” she started jumping up and down.

I looked at her mom, “Wow, ya know, that’s my fastest time yet.” Her mom just shook her head and burried her face in her hand.

Never hand someone with a crush a hose.

Never, ever hand a small child with a crush on you a hose.

Elizabeth H.Elizabeth and I go way back, in fact, so far back, that in current day as a teen she has little recollection of events that took place between us, although for me, they seem like they just happened yesterday.

When Elizabeth was a little girl, I worked with her mom and like all happy co-workers, we’d socialize after hours on occasion. Quite often Elizabeth got to tag along. Her mom educated her with an impressive vocabulary and incredible set of social manners; thus it was very much a treat to see her. Although, as I’ll reveal now, even back then as a little girl she was still quite the flirt.

One summer day her mom came over with Elizabeth just as my wife had asked me if I could water the yard. Elizabeth wanted to help in order to spend time with me, so I pulled out the hose and we sat on my front steps talking while I sprayed the lawn. It wasn’t long before she asked if it was her turn, so I let go of the squeeze nozzle, shutting off the water, and handed it to her. In retrospect, that was the key mistake.

I recall Elizabeth was about 5 or 6 at the time. But, she engaged the conversation as all women do: with an entrapment.


“Yes, Elizabeth?”

“Whenever I come over, Tamara is always here.”

“I suppose that’s true.”

“Does she live here?”

“Yes, she does.”

It was evident that she was not fond of this answer, as she put her little fists on her hips.

“And why is that? Are you married to her?” Her little eyebrow went up.

“Yes, she’s my wife.”

At that point, Elizabeth scolds me, “You Never Told Me That!!!” and she points the hose right in my face and unleashes gallons of cold water all over me in an instant. And doesn’t let up.

Apparently, Elizabeth’s mom caught a flurry of activity through the storm door and came running, “ELIZABETH!”

Elizabeth shut off the hose, and looked at me expectingly, “Tell her what you just told me.”

And so, I had to apologize to Elizabeth, and her mom, for my big secret.

Uh, Forgot Something

Another pee-hind-the-scenes picture.

While visiting Ted’s in Sterling, VA, I noticed that their bathroom was either missing a very vital component, or that the place was very accommodating for drunks used to using an alley.

I keep trying to explain there are differences between men and women’s bathrooms. Women have it better. In this case, men just have a wall.

Not retouched.

Did I Dial The Wrong Number?

The phone rings, and the caller asks me… “Did I dial the wrong number?” I gave the only reply I thought was appropriate.

Moments ago the phone just rang, and the caller ID showed some fairly foreign sounding name.

Me: “Hello?”
Them: “Hello?”

Me: “Yes. Hello?”
Them: “Uh, did I just dial the wrong number?”

Me: “I don’t know, that would depend if you were trying to reach me or not.”
Them: (long pause)

Them: “I think I dialed the wrong number.”
Me: “Well, thank you for calling, as I was kinda bored any how.”

Them: “Oh….” (And then she just sat there on the line saying nothing and then decided to hang up.)

Too bad, she seemed quite nice.